Patience is a Virtue That Everyone Should Have but, I Want Mine Now!

In the criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to break the law at some time in the future, and, in some cases, with at least one overt act in furtherance of that agreement. There is no limit on the number participating in the conspiracy and, in most countries, no requirement that any steps have been taken to put the plan into effect (compare attempts which require proximity to the full offence). For the purposes of concurrence, the actus reus is a continuing one and parties may join the plot later and incur joint liability and conspiracy can be charged where the co-conspirators have been acquitted or cannot be traced. Finally, repentance by one or more parties does not affect liability but may reduce their sentence.

Friday 25 February 2011

No Opposition To New "Opposition" Plan!

Hold the front page! Big Gerry is about to be elected in Louth after bouncing down to take advantage of the deteriorating situation in the republic. The rest of the political opportunists and scheming liars in the south await him in the corridors of avarice. At the same time the gang of northern Stormonteers have come up with a cunning plan to make sure that the cuts being inflicted on the lumpen proletariat, do not affect the politicians themselves.

The Crown Steward and Bailiff of the Manor of Northstead, (Adams complained but, did not refuse the title from the Queen of England otherwise he could not have legally resigned as a British MP nor stood for election in Louth) has yet again smiled and lied through his expensive tombstones and has pounded (euro-ed) the beat, telling anyone who he could grip, how genuine he is and how good a republican he is. He will pose for a photo with every man; woman and child in Dundalk if he has to.

The alternative would be to go away in ignominy and learn to face and live with himself. He is not good at going away you know, so he will work 24 hours a day to avoid facing who and what he really is and will instead do his utmost to increase the fortunes of his party in the south.

He will talk a wee bit about a "United Ireland" but, not so much as to irritate Prime (First) Minister Peter Robinson and the other liars and thieves up in the north. It will be the usual pathetic utterances of the "North of Ireland" or, "N.I Water". Not referring to Northern Ireland or British minister Conor Murphy's Northern Ireland Water Department is about as republican as it gets. Semantics replaced ideology and principles a long time ago. Gerry is no different from any of the other politicians in his own or other parties in Ireland. They all play the same grubby little game.

Meanwhile up in Stormont the rumours of a reduction in the number of MLA's has sent shock waves through the ranks of the political sub-contractors for the British Government. The northern British MLA'S have decided to yet again agree and pretend that there is disagreement between the parties and have suddenly rushed to appear on TV and radio to feign heated arguments. The idea is to now cynically create a false "Opposition" in Stormont.

The 108 leeches that have sucked every financial benefit out of their positions at Stormont are terrified of a reduction in MLA posts so they have come up with the idea to pretend that there is a split in the camp and that Stormont needs an opposition. That way the DUP/Sinn Fein marriage can continue as normal and some of the other lesser parties and individuals can plead with the British paymaster to keep their MLA jobs and more importantly, their huge salaries, in a brand new opposition. It's really hard to get a pig to move away from the trough.

The vulgar trash and thieving corner boys and girls that have crawled out from under rocks to fight and claw their way into political careers across this island are beyond shame. The electoral strength of the parties may vary and some of the faces will change but, besides that, it will be business as usual.

Too many free dinners and free holidays have erased any sense of social responsibility. Mortgages must be paid to the uber-criminals in the banks. They have learned to leave spare seats at the black-tie free dinners for the embedded media. So the bankers; their political slaves and the fawning journalists are all in the same very exclusive club. No one wants to rock the boat or to lose their privileged lifestyles.

Best to keep the electorate on both sides of the border on it's toes with higher food prices, unemployment, home repossessions, benefit cuts and constant worry of how to provide the basics for their families. That will keep them too busy to focus on the gangsters in the banks and the liars in political office whose greed created this mess in the first place.

The media will play their part and make programmes about benefit fraud and working class tax evasion to help keep the peoples heads spinning. They will blame the poor and the result will be that the thieves who stole all the money will keep their ill-gotten gains. The most vulnerable in society will suffer most from this totally manufactured "recession" and will endure the further humiliation of having to replace what was stolen from their own already reduced incomes.

These individuals have no ability to feel empathy or guilt for what they continue to do to Ireland and her people but, just for the record I will say it anyway...... Shame, shame, shame!