Patience is a Virtue That Everyone Should Have but, I Want Mine Now!

In the criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to break the law at some time in the future, and, in some cases, with at least one overt act in furtherance of that agreement. There is no limit on the number participating in the conspiracy and, in most countries, no requirement that any steps have been taken to put the plan into effect (compare attempts which require proximity to the full offence). For the purposes of concurrence, the actus reus is a continuing one and parties may join the plot later and incur joint liability and conspiracy can be charged where the co-conspirators have been acquitted or cannot be traced. Finally, repentance by one or more parties does not affect liability but may reduce their sentence.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Gerry, Marty and World Peace

“... he has made a major contribution to one of the most important peace processes in the world today”.

That’s how the cherubic Martin McGuinness of New Sinn Fein, today described the role played by his mate Gerry Adams in stabilising and reaffirming the country of Northern Ireland during their process of the peace.

Since Marty has been by the side of Gerry all along this particular garden path then it stands to reason that he therefore views himself as having made the same contribution to copper-fastening partition, giving Irish nationalist consent for the first time in history to Britain’s ownership of the six north-eastern counties and of course world peace. Next they will claim to have solved world hunger, poverty and to want dearly to help orphans. Is there to be a bikini-clad interview next on the steps of Stormont?

Maybe one of the British “securocrats” (Marty's invented term all by himself, grin, grin in a self-satisfied manner) or an American politician with time on their hands and free call-time left on their mobile has told Marty that what he is involved in up at Stormont is a major world event. No doubt he would want to believe such a ridiculous idea. In between free lunches and free, er, um ,er, everythings, he would enjoy sitting back with a free cup of tea and feeling good inside himself about his huge achievements. He can’t of course tell everyone that this is how he views himself and his role but, he can make it clear to us all by utilising Gerry by proxy. Slick move for a man that needs to convince himself that what he is doing is not only good for the country of Northern Ireland that he has helped create but, also reinforces in his mind that he is a shining beacon to the rest of the world on how to solve issues of freedom and the right to national self-determination.

When you’ve done something wrong and you are about to do something to make it even worse then sometimes a deviant mind can convince a fellow that what was done to begin with was not wrong at all. Then, what is about to be done now is not worse but, actually much better due to it being an even more progressive step than the first good deed. If you can get your head round this paragraph and its’ inherent dogma and realise it’s the waste matter of bovine males, then your still in control of your own mind. You must be a genius – or maybe I’m just patronising you in order to throw flowers at myself. Now what kind of man would do something like that?

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